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Notenblätter/PartiturenIhre Suchkriterien: Datenbank Notenblätter/Partituren, Mitwirkende "Kosko, Anthony", Suchart alle Wörter vorhanden
Zeilen pro Seite:
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American Sound Images Ha |
Kosko, Anthony |
2 |
7:40 |
9033230 |
Azzuro Ha, Dirstm |
Conte, Paolo |
Kosko, Anthony |
2 |
9076005 |
Billy Joel Ha, DirStm |
Joel, Billy |
Kosko, Anthony |
2 |
7:10 |
9091067 |
Blues Brothers in Concert, The Ha, DirStm |
Redding, Otis; u.a. |
Kosko, Anthony |
2 |
5:40 |
9095440 |
Cat Stevens Ha, Dirstm |
Stevens, Cat |
Kosko, Anthony |
3 |
9109011 |
Chuck Berry Highlights Ha |
Berry, Chuck |
Kosko, Anthony |
2 |
4033645 |
Creedence Clearwater Revival Ha, DirStm |
Fogerty, John |
Kosko, Anthony |
2 |
6:30 |
9127370 |
Dizzy Fingers Ha; Clr |
Confrey, Zez |
Kosko, Anthony |
2:50 |
9149970 |
Doop Ha |
Kosko, Anthony |
1 |
9155520 |
Dream a little dream of me Ha |
Schwand, W. Andree, F. |
Kosko, Anthony |
9157290 |
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