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Titel The National Tune Index: Early American Wind and Ceremonial Music, 1636-1836 (NTI/2)
Artikel-Nr. 97883225
Unterkategorie Musikgeschichte
Textsprache Englisch {en}
Erscheinungsland USA (us)
Verlag * Felder mit einem Sternchen (*) sind nur für Vereinsmitglieder nach Anmeldung ersichtlichhier klicken
Erscheinungsjahr 1989
Autor Camus, Raoul F.
Zusatzinfo/Inhalt Complete Microfiche Edition with Fiche Binder & printed User's Guide, the equivalent of about 5,000 pages of printed book material.
This second phase of the NTI covers the roots of early American wind band, field music, percussion, and ceremonial music. British, French, and Hessian sources form most of the database with others from Sweden, Belgium, Ireland, and other parts of the UK. The NTI/2 is an unprecedented foray into an area of early American music heretofore inaccessible and confused. The music covered in this work played a vital role in the life of early America, combining social, religious, military, and ceremonial traditions and experiences. There are seven indexes to the data:
1) Text Index: First lines, tune names, refrains.
2) Music Index: Incipits in scale degrees.
3) Music Index: Incipits in stressed note sequence.
4) Music Index: Incipits in interval sequence with a conversion table for researchers not specialized in music.
5) Source Index: Bibliographic and contents details for all cited sources. They are grouped into three genre classifications.
6) Author Index: Name of composer or arranger, text author, compiler, etc.
7) Performer Index: Name of performers or organizations mentioned in the source other than title.
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* Felder mit einem Sternchen sind nur für Vereinsmitglieder nach Anmeldung ersichtlich.

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