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Cornets and Pickaxes: Finnish Brass on the Iron Range - klicken für größeres Bild
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Titel Cornets and Pickaxes: Finnish Brass on the Iron Range
Artikel-Nr. 97000068
Unterkategorie Blasmusik-Fachbücher
Format/Umfang BkSft (Taschenbuch)
Textsprache Englisch {en}
Erscheinungsland USA (us)
Verlag * Felder mit einem Sternchen (*) sind nur für Vereinsmitglieder nach Anmeldung ersichtlichhier klicken
EAN (GTIN) * Felder mit einem Sternchen (*) sind nur für Vereinsmitglieder nach Anmeldung ersichtlichhier klicken
ISBN * Felder mit einem Sternchen (*) sind nur für Vereinsmitglieder nach Anmeldung ersichtlichhier klicken
Erscheinungsjahr 2013
Autor Niemistö, Paul
Zusatzinfo/Inhalt "Under the North Star", the first book in Vaino Linna's North Star Trilogy on the Finnish Civil War, begins with a classic literary comment, "in the beginning there were the marsh, the hoe - and Jussi".

Americans who have read the trilogy are instantly caught up in the hardships our ancestors faced no matter where they were living before coming to America. By the time readers get into Linna's second book, "The Uprising", people from Minnesota, Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan have to wonder how we kept the Finnish Civil War (1918) from spilling over into our towns, countryside and city streets.

This extends far beyond the Finns. Minneapolis schools report 9,200 students are from homes where languages other than English are spoken. Approximately 90 different languages make English the second language for these families. Ethnic and national origin data from the 2010 Census are still forthcoming, but the U.S. Census Bureau used 94 different origin categories from 2000 to profile Minnesotans in 2004.

To a remarkable degree, we have kept the Balkan wars and ethnic strife from playing out on the Minnesota Iron Range and other communities. We hold the Somali Civil War at arms lengths from the streets of Minneapolis, Rochester and other cities in the Midwest. Hmong, Cambodians, Laotians, Vietnamese and other refugees from Asian conflicts are integrating into the fabric of St. Paul and Wisconsin cities. Like in Linna's third book of the trilogy, "Reconciliation", we should recognize Upper Midwest states and all of America have religious leaders, community leaders, school officials, union leaders, nonprofit organizations and even community band leaders and musicians to thank for keeping the peace, bonding community, and moving society forward.

Paul Niemisto's "Cornets & Pickaxes" offers an anthropological and sociological glimpse at how music makers bring harmony to our communities. The role of culture in creating community cohesion enriches us, doesn't divide us, and remains under-appreciated in our land of immigrants and refugees. Let this be the first of multi-disciplinary looks at ethnic and national origin cultural contributions to making a new America, and let Niemisto's Finns shine a light for newer Americans to follow.

243 pages
10 x 8 x 1 inches
4.5 pounds
Lieferbar ja ja

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